Wäre es doch immer so!
If only it were always so!
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Wistful, witty and vivacious: In this concert evening, we celebrate the Jewish composers and authors from the musical theatres and cinemas of the early 20th century. And it wasn't just in the major theatres that they played a leading role; they were equally at home on cabaret stages and in the film studios of Europe before many of them emigrated - either by choice or force. They came from Poland, Ukraine, Austria and Germany, and wrote songs about their experiences of exile, about the curiosities of their new homelands, about love and about the trivial joys of life. State Operetta soloists, accompanied by an instrumental ensemble, perform a repertoire spanning film hits, tango and klezmer, as well as the stirring, witty Yiddish operetta songs that once rang out in the entertainment districts of American metropolises but have today been almost entirely forgotten. With music by Joseph Beer, Friedrich Hollaender, Nikolaus Brodszky, Abraham Ellstein and others.
Laila Salome Fischer, Bryan Rothfuss, Natalia Petrowski, Alexander Bersutsky, Billy Schmidt, Marco Antonio Chacon